Friday, September 30, 2011

Goodbye Ciggys!

Dear Cigarettes:

We have been together so long that I find it so terribly difficult to have to say goodbye to you, but alas, I must. We've been together everyday for 29 years and I will miss you deeply. I no longer can keep up with you financially and my health is at stake being for so into you. In spite of the health concerns I have loved you completely although our time together must come to an end. I feel that I should be totally honest with you and let you know why I have to leave you.

1. I'm too addicted to your nicotine and your tar can cause me to get lung cancer. I just can't risk it any more.

2. To quote Shakespeare: "Your grace is too costly to wear everyday". I'm spending a fortune on you and I'm not wealthy enough to be in your company.

3. The problems I have encountered from being in your presence has put too much emotional stress on my life and loved ones. I simply can't endure the problems anymore.

Please know that I will remember you fondly but will never keep company with you again. I have been without you for 10 days now and know that I will be better off without you.

Goodbye Forever,